Wednesday, May 27, 2009

You Need a Reason

We ended last week with a spirited talk on using premiums and discounts in your marketing. For a review, see my blog below. I also asked your help in a survey. Again, see my blog below, I’m giving away some cool gifts just for doing it.

Now, on to the meat-n-potatoes portion of todays tip. We’re going to talk about number five in our series of seven tips for crafting a compelling offer.

When you present an offer to clients, you must have a logical reason for the offer. Notice I didn’t say a great reason, or even a good reason, certainly nothing earth shattering, but a reason nonetheless.

Here’s why: People are naturally skeptical and suspicious. They’ve been told their entire life that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. I think we’ll all agree that there is some truth to that.

Here are a couple specific examples. First, our vendors in both 3D Mail and American Retail Supply (our ’main’ business) will often extend special pricing to us, that we can pass on to you. We’ll then say our vendors are helping us make this happen. Remember, good is certainly good enough!

Glazer-Kennedy runs a yearly “Scratch and Dent” sale. They discount the items that have been slightly damaged during production or shipping.

Recently, at 3D Mail, we ran a sale on the trash can and bank bag (see below) because we found a new supplier.

You can have an ‘Anniversary Sale,’ or a ‘New to the Neighborhood Sale.’ Truly, any logical reason will give you a bump in response. Stay tuned for next week, we’ll discuss the power of deadlines in your offers.

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