Monday, March 8, 2010

What the Rich Want

I hope you received my email yesterday about the Boomer special which aired on CNBC. See my blog post. I’m writing this email on Thursday night so I’ll have my thoughts on the show next week. In the mean time here’s our next installment in marketing to affluent customers. To review where we left off, here’s tha blog post.

We know why we want to try to attract the bigger spends, but what exactly do boomers want and what will they buy? It breaks down into four basic categories:

1. They want life made easy

You need to specifically tell them, ‘Here’s how I’ll make your life easy.”

2. They want time saved

You need to specifically tell them, “Here’s how I’ll save you time.”

3. They want to not be or feel “ripped off”

You need to give them solid proof and guarantees.

4. They want what “is for them.”

You need to tell them exactly why it’s for them based first on their emotional connection to what you offer, and second, to back it up with logical facts, figures, and features.

When you’re able to answer those four questions you’ve got the basis for creating a compelling message directly matched to what most affluent customers want.

Blog Readers Only Special

March 24-26 Keith and I will be in Las Vegas at Rob Oliver’s Mindshift 2010 Marketing and Sales Super Conference speaking from the stage on 3D Mail. I’ve made an arrangement with Rob to extend a special rate and he’ll even pay for 2 nights hotel stay in Las Vegas just for you, my blog reader.

You will leave this event with the marketing and sales tools and information that 97% of businesses either aren't aware of or even worse yet - are aware of, but are too tired, confused or "beat up" to take advantage of them!

This leaves a huge "gaping hole" that you can walk (or run) through now to make 2010 (yes, even in the "new economy") the year that you and your business leave the 'rest of the pack" behind and dramatically improve your sales and profits.

For complete information click this special link Rob set up just for my readers. I hope to see you in Las Vegas!

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