Thursday, July 8, 2010

7 Ad Essentials

I hope you had a fun and safe 4th of July celebration over the weekend. I certainly did, even if it did rain a little (only in Seattle!). So last week we briefly spoke about one of my favorite topics, the Robert Collier principle. If you want to review, or are unfamiliar with that term, you really should go check out the blog post here.

For the next several tips we’ll discuss what I call the 7 essentials for any advertising you do. The first few may seem obvious, but you’d been amazed at how many critiques I get and they’re missing some, or most of these essentials.

The first thing you always need is your basic business card information. You and your company’s name, full address, website(s), phone number, fax, e-mail, your Facebook page,etc. Again, this may seem basic as you read this but it’s amazing how often these little things get overlooked. Plus, be sure you have the information correct! I’ve heard horror stories of wrong phone numbers, misspelled websites, etc.

Next, if client’s coming to your brick-and-Mortar place of business is an option whatsoever, you MUST include a map and directions to your location. Not everybody knows where you are located or will remember, even your best clients. If you leave a prospect or client wondering or confused they won’t do anything!

If you don’t have an offer you don’t really have an advertisement. Offers are vital with any direct response and direct mail campaign. Quite frankly, it’s what makes direct response marketing what it is.

With offers, it’s almost always better to give them an ‘either or’ option instead of only one. For example, you may have a basic and deluxe version, Gold or Silver Editions, etc. These will almost always out-perform a simple yes/no option.

Here’s an advanced tip. When 65% or more of your clients start taking the deluxe option over the basic, add a “Best” option. You’ll want to keep the other two, but it’s been my experience that 10-20% will start taking the “Best” option when you present it.

Later in the week we’ll cover a few more of the 7 essentials all your marketing must contain.

Blog Reader’s Only Special

About two weeks ago, I sent you a message about my friend Brian Tracy's moving day offer, and how if you acted fast, you could obtain a bundle of bargains on some of some of his best products during Brian Tracy's Moving Day Sale of 2010.

Check it out here.

Response has been overwhelming. I'm writing today because I want to make sure you get in on the deal. It's pretty straight forward. Brian moved offices recently and is up to his eyeballs in products. Until they started unpacking, they didn't even realize what they had!

Well, Brian's moving challenge becomes your windfall because he's allowing me to practically give away his products to you. You can find an abundance of some of his best stuff right here.

I'm on a tight 30 day limit for offering these savings to you, and they said they're already seeing quite a bit of space cleared out in the stockroom over there. Check out the deals here.

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