Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How to Create an Irresistible Offer, Part I

Over the next several weeks we're going to talk about creating an irresistible offer. This is a vitally important element of your marketing campaign.

I often get letters to critique and the most commonly missed or lackluster element is the offer. So sit back and hold on tight as we wind down the adventurous ride that is the irresistible offer!

So what is an irresistible offer? It’ what you dangle in front of your target market that gets them salivating for your product/service. It triggers emotion and focuses on an end results.

The ultimate reaction you want from your clients or prospects from your offer is, "I'd be a fool if I said No to this!" Every piece of marketing you do must have an offer. And it can't be a ho-hum, run-of-the-mill offer. It must be something so great, so ideally matched to your target audience that there is no way someone could possibly justify ignoring it.

An irresistible offer can be used for lead generation in both B2C and B2B to get your prospects to 'raise their hand' and identify themselves as potential clients. The can also be used for a one-step sell of your product/service.

Finally, don't ignore the importance of making offers to your existing clients as well. You see this error all the time. Here’s an example I’m sure you can relate with.

Look at the lengths cable and satellite companies will go to get a new client. You see or hear the ads and you think, “Hey! What about me, I’m the guy paying for you to run those ads!” Don’t let your current clients feel ‘betrayed’ by such offers. Keep them in mind.

You should be using an irresistible offer in all three scenarios, lead generation, one-step sales and to your existing clients.

Stay tuned for later this week as we'll discuss the importance of matching your irresistible offer to yourperfect target audience. I'll see you then!


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