Monday, October 19, 2009

Get More Referrals

If there’s one thing every business could use, it’s a fresh batch of new, ready-to-buy referral clients lining up each day. However, like most things, it’s easier said than done. For the next couple tips we’ll cover how you can actively promote and generate new referral clients in your business.

Referrals are your second easiest client/patient to sell to (#1 being your own, current and active clients) so it makes sense to nurture referrals and have marketing campaigns and systems in place in your business to first and foremost get your current happy clients to give them, and second, to be sure you get them as clients once they are referred to you.

Here are a couple of stats that may jump out at you. First, the average person has an immediate circle of influence or around 50 people. However, the average satisfied customer will only tell 3 other people about a satisfied experience. 3 out of 50!

So the important thing to understand is satisfaction is not sufficient. The secret to referral stimulus is the different between satisfaction and enthusiasm produced by either merely meeting expectation or exceeding expectations.

Think of it this way, none of your clients leave your store, practice, office, or website thinking to themselves,”how can I tell as many people as possible about this experience?” You’ve got to give them the reason to do it, and the tools and the way to do it.

So starting next Tuesday we’ll talk about six specific ways you can use to get referrals in your business.

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