Monday, December 14, 2009

Message to Market Match

Last week we started our discussion on copywriting that’s going to take us through the next few weeks. To see where we started, visit that blog post below. On Tuesday I left you with some Copy Kryptonite. Today we’ll move on from our Copy Kryptonite (Thanks again to Bill Glazer for the copy kryptonite) and talk about your message to market match.

Message to market match means your matching what you’re selling, the media you’re selling it through, and the words you write to very precise and targeted prospects.

When I say media, I’m talking about the format, and is that appropriate for the task you’re trying to accomplish. For example, sending a ‘stand-alone’ postcards for a retailer holding an event in the Mall is probably OK (though just OK). If you’re sending a ‘stand-alone-postcard to doctors about advanced laser equipment they should have in practice…BAD!!

I’m not saying the postcard doesn’t have a place in your marketing funnel (for more on creating a marketing funnel, (see this past post) to the doc’s for laser equipment, it may very well have its time and place. But to expect a postcard to do the heavy lifting is not smart.

Second, you want to start with people you already understand, and for the vast majority of you that will be your niche. I know we have some freelance copywriters and consultants out there, and so your best bet is to write to those niches where you have the most experience and expertise.

For example, I write to other business owners and salespeople who obviously are interested in growing their business with direct mail and doing it creatively (or why else would you be getting this!). I know and can speak our language, can identify with you, and thus can make a stronger connection with my copy. The same should go for you, when writing to your own niche.

Finally, the best recipients of your marketing, in order, are:
  1. Your list of past and current clients
  2. Endorsed or JV list
  3. A lead generated list
  4. The ‘un-washed’ masses
There are things you need to consider when writing to each group that will take more time and room than I have here. Starting next week, we’ll dive right into headlines, probably the most important part of your advertising. See you then!

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home based internet businesses said...
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