Thursday, January 14, 2010

Advanced Tip on Offers

We’re going to wrap up our nearly two week long discussion on deadlines and offers. Who knew there could be so much! To see the previous post and to catch up on all of my tips, check out the previous blog post.

With offers, it’s almost always better to give them an ‘either or’ option instead of only one. For example, you may have a basic and deluxe version, Gold or Silver editions, etc. These will almost always out-perform a simple yes/no option.

Here’s an advanced tip. When 65% or more of your clients start taking the deluxe option over the basic, add a “Best” option. You’ll want to keep the other two, but it’s been my experience that 10-20% will start taking the “Best” option when you present it.

Finally, with deadlines, multiple deadlines are very effective and work well with long deadlines. For instance, you could use something like:

This offer expires in two weeks, but if you respond in the next two weeks you’ll get and additional FREE gift.

The power of taking something away over time is a very strong way to get people to act sooner rather than later.

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