Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Direct Mail Strategies

It’s no secret that I’m a big believer in using direct mail or why else would I be in the 3D Mail business! However there are a lot of great reasons to use it.

The biggest reason to use direct mail is it’s as close as we can possibly get to one-to-one, nose-to-nose, toes-to-toes selling without actually beating a path to our clients. Not only that, we can multiple ourselves several times over by sending many message at the
time. I’ve yet to find a sales person who can be in two places at once, selling to two different prospects. And like selling face-to-face we can customize our message to meet the needs, desires, wants and demographics of our prospects or clients, but more on that as we move forward.

We can also get involvement with the client or prospect and there are many ways to do this, including using 3D Mail. When we get involvement, we get a commitment of time, and if we get the proper commitment of time, the chances of making a sale goes up dramatically.

We’re also given format flexibility and tons of creative space when using direct mail. There are postcards of all shapes and sizes, regular ‘flat’ envelope mailers, greeting cards, self-mailers, magalogs etc. with even more sub categories in those listed above. And using all these different formats is crucial when selling to the same people over and over again. Just when they tire of seeing your postcard mailers, you can change it up with 3D Mail, then change to another format, then another, keeping your content ‘fresh’ in the eyes of your clients.

But the #1 reason to use direct mail isn’t any of those listed above. I’ll reveal that later this week. Until then.

To Your Direct Mail Success,
Travis Lee


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