Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thick skin

I just spoke with a client of ours today, the one who did the x-ray mailing below. The golf course where he teaches his lessons had gotten wind that he had been sending out letters as a DDS (Doctor of the Dreaded Slice), and told him (I'm paraphrasing) "You can't do that, we'll report you to the National Dentists Association."

When you use outrageous 3D Mail, you've got to be thick skinned. Someone, somewhere is going to tell you that your marketing is bad, dishonest, or otherwise tell you 'you can't do that.'

Its important to remember that no one's opinion matters except for those who ultimately give you money. (And, if you're like me, maybe your wife. But she also doesn't mind the fun stuff that outrageous 3D Mail Marketing has provided us.)


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