Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You Scratch My Back, we'll Scratch Yours

We've just recently launched our new affiliate program for 3D Mail! (Thus the reason for the back scratchers) If you're a coach, consultant, a GKIC independent Business Advisor, or you just have a herd that is interested in unique direct mail, and you want to make some referral money, sign up below. We pay 5% on all 3D mail items ordered through your affililate link forever!

Here's the link: http://www.3dmailresults.com/AffiliateWiz/join.aspx

Also, if you're looking for a guest on a tele-coaching call that you host, Keith or I will be more than happy to offer our servies. We can talk about direct mail and the value of 'cutting the clutter' using unique 3D mail as grabbers, freemuims etc.

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