Thursday, August 26, 2010

Not the Golden Arches

Last we started on a topic that I’m sure surprised a few of you. We talked about branding. No, not like golden arches, or swooshes, but in ways most small businesses can actually accomplish it. To review, see the blog below.

Before we get going, I want to restate a very important idea from the last post. You need a very carefully selected target niche or sub-culture that your message(s) resonate with. This is critical. A brand, or brand identity is a recognized symbol that represents and calls to mind WHAT you and your business are about, but it’s all moot if you don’t have a specific WHO in mind. For more on the WHO in your business, see this blog post from a few weeks ago.

Further, don’t confuse ‘brand identity’ with logo and slogans, color schemes, etc. These are simply devices used to convey or support you brand identity. Brand identity is first and foremost about your ideas. These ‘representative things’ are a distant second. For a book relevant to this topic, check out “Made to Stick” at Amazon.

Lastly, don’t mix-up your brand identity with your unique selling proposition (USP). A USP answers the question: Why should I, your client, choose to do business with you versus any and every other option available to me?

(Thanks to Dan Kennedy for providing that gem on a USP. If you’re not yet receiving Dan’s No BS Marketing Newsletter and you’re in any way responsible for your businesses marketing, you absolutely must. Fix that here) Next week I’ll show you the type of branding you really should be involved in as a small business owner. I think you’ll really like it. Until then, keep on marketing!

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