Thursday, December 18, 2008

How To Keep Yourself And Your Hard-Earned Money Safe From Us Smooth-Talkin’ Salesmen, Selling “Success Stuff”

This is not an article about selling carpet cleaning. This is an article about the often unnoticed truth about what separates the winners from the Mediocre Majority in business, in any business, and in life.

I’ve been at “this” a long time; via speaking, giving seminars, and otherwise trying to inform, inspire and ignite people into action on principles, strategies, ideas and behaviors likely to lead to success in business and in life in general. And I long ago stopped trying to figure out why some people alertly and eagerly grab opportunities and ideas while others are asleep at the switch.

But I can tell you a few things I’ve learned about “reading people.” For example, in a seminar setting, the ones who are first up to invest in something designed to help them be more successful are usually the people in the group who need help the least. The ones who sit, arms folded, cynical, mumbling “heard that before” and grumbling about being sold to, are the ones who need help the most.

Over the years I have held several seminars. When I met them before the start of the seminar, I used to ask for their present gross and their goal. Virtually without exception, the first few people to rush back to buy the business-building materials already had the highest grosses in the room – and they took their armload of goodies out to Mercedes, Cadillacs, Lincolns and the like to drive home. The last few to ever-so-slowly wobble back to buy had lower grosses, except for the few who didn’t buy at all – they had the lowest grosses of all, and drove home in old Chevys.

Why was this?? Well, you'll have to wait for my next post in a few days.

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