Thursday, September 17, 2009

3 things to consider with your marketing calendar

Last week we started talking about using a marketing calendar. We talked about why it was critical that you have one, and a couple things to consider when you’re creating your calendar. To review, see the blog post below.

Moving on today, we’ll discuss 3 more things you must consider when you create your marketing calendar.

One thing I always do with my calendar is, at least 3 months prior to the initiative, is I map out everything in greater detail including the specific media to use. Most of the time, I don’t choose the media right away when I put my calendar together, but I do occasionally. I also try to use multiple different kinds of media over the course of a year. I certainly use 3D mail with sales letters, but I also use email, fax, postcards, etc. I’m always changing it up so my current clients get something new and different as often as possible.

It’s also perfectly fine to periodically visit your marketing plan knowing that its O.K to tweak and adjust your plan, for whatever reason.

Finally, after each initiative is completed and the results are in, go back and analyze how you can improve it in the future. This is very important. Even if you have a winner, there’s usually something you can test or tweak to improve your results. Challenge yourself and your team not rest on your laurels and find things to test for an improved response. For ideas on testing your direct mail, see this article I wrote last year on the subject.

My next tip will very short, probably the shortest tip I’ve ever written, but it may be one of the most important. See you then.

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