Thursday, September 24, 2009

Find the hidden money in your business

Today we’re going to start a new series on finding the hidden money in your business. This will take a couple weeks, so strap in, ‘cause here we go.

To really find the hidden money in your business,it all starts with the list, and more specifically, your own, in-house produced list. This is your #1 asset in ANY business. My mentor Dan Kennedy likes to say that if you took away his business, products and anything else he sells, but left him his list, he could build a business at least as big from the ground up all over again, with just his list. This can and should be the same for your own list.

So how do we grow you list? We’ll start with ‘the trap.’ The trap is the place where the prospects name, address, email, fax, phone, traits etc are captured using enticing ‘bait,’ like a free trial, a free report, free product/services etc.

Of utmost importance, permission to use that information is secured. This usually is done by add a short line on any form (either offline or online) that says something like, “Providing this information to XYZ Company allows them to contact you via the above methods.”

If you wish, this allows you to run smaller, simpler ads, keeping the front end cost low and investing most of your resources in interested prospects.

I often tells clients this same thing in regard to 3D Mail. I’ll be the first to admit, 3D Mail can sometimes add costs to your mailing. I using it for prospecting puts you out of pocket, use it as a step in your marketing funnel to really WOW your prospect.

The best and cheapest way to learn this methodology is by playing prospect with companies doing lead generation advertising. This isn’t a hard exercise either. Start looking around, answer ads that are simply lead generation devices and see what and how they send information to you. The ones and look the best usually are, so mimic them.

This is admittedly an over-simplistic explanation of lead generation and list building, so to find out more, visit this blog posting and go from there.

Later we’ll talk about one of the biggest ways to find and get the hidden money in your business. Do you think you know what it is?

Marketing Tip Readers Only Special

The best system I’ve ever seen for systematically and automatically implementing your lead generation marketing is Infusionsoft.

Infusionsoft’s automatic follow-up software combines email marketing, CRM & eCommerce into one, simple system, so you can effortlessly stay in touch with
prospects & customers and close more sales. With Infusionsoft, you’ll always be growing your business... even when you’re out of the office, at the beach, or asleep!

I use it myself for a lot of the 3D Mail marketing you get from me, as well as my coaching/consulting business. They even have glowing endorsements from Michael Gerber of the E-Myth and Dan Kennedy!

To get a free eBook on lead generation marketing and using a marketing funnel including 9 proven techniques to double your sales visit this site here.

They have great lead generation devices and a great marketing funnel. So even if you’re set with your CRM, email etc. you should still take a look and get on their list. They are a great company to ‘play prospect with’ as I described above. If you study it closely you’ll get a PhD level education in the topics we’ve just been discussing. Here’s that link once more.

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