Thursday, August 27, 2009

Finding Your USP

We kick off a new segment last week on Unique selling propositions, or a USP. To review click over to me blog below and see what you may have missed on Friday. Today, we’ll discuss a few different ways to find your USP.

My marketing mentor, Dan Kennedy, defines a USP as:

“Why should I, your prospect, do business with you verses any and every other option available to me in your category?”

So how do you answer that question? Here are a couple ideas. First, you can have an advantage in price. Personally, I think this is the last place you want to be. Frankly, the track record of the “low cost leader” in just about every category lasts only so long. There’s always somebody out there will to do something cheaper than you are.

But, there are plenty of other ways to go. For example, you may have a product that is unique only to you, and that doesn’t necessarily have to be the next wiz-bang, cutting edge toy. It can be something as simple as the way you package your product that your competition doesn’t do, or refuses to do.

You have a process that’s different that everybody else. Ivory soap used the USP, “99.78% Pure” for decades, so everybody assumed they had the purest soap. We’ve come to realize over the years that most soap are 99.78% pure. But they brought the process of creating the soap and used it as a USP.

Third, do you provide a service or a level of service that no one else is providing. I know of many doctors who have practices that have limo service pick up, grand piano players in the “waiting room” (a barely dare call them that), dentists who have private patience rooms. They have a level of service the average doctor doesn’t meet.

I have some more ways to help you answer the USP question. I’ll be back on Friday for more examples.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Your Unique Selling Propsition

We’re going to start down a new road today. We’re going to be starting on the topic of a USP, your unique selling proposition. This may be opening up a BIG can or worms, and it can be one of the hardest things you do with your business. But it’s well worth read.

A USP is made up of all the things that your have say and offer. But a true USP is the thing or things that differentiate, that you do differently. That are different by personality, price, offer guarantee, whatever, so you stand out in a positive way.

Why should you develop a USP? There are many reasons. Just a few of them include.
  • It will give you an incredible marketing advantage over your competitors.
  • Those that create a USP experience huge growth over a relatively short period of time.
  • Without one you are extremely vulnerable to competition.
  • It will create clarity in your business and in your mindset. It’s what you are about and what you want people to think about you.
Here’s the biggie lesson of the day. Only you can create your USP. You can’t hire a consultant to do it, or a coach, only you. And I’m not going to lie, it’s not an easy thing to do and it requires a lot of thought and work. But over the next few marketing tips, we’ll get you well on your way if you don’t yet have one. If you do, this will hopefully bring some further insight if you wish to revamp your current USP. I’ll see you next week.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why You Should Use a Marketing Funnel

Over the past several weeks, we’ve been talking about lead generation marketing, how to use it, and how to integrate it into your marketing funnel. To see where we’ve been, see my blog posts from the past couple weeks below. Today we’re going to wrap up our discussion on these two topics. Today we’re going to answer that burning question, ”Why should I use a marketing funnel.” Here’s my $0.02.

First and foremost, you just get more sales when you use a marketing funnel! That should be reason enough, shouldn’t it! There’s the short answer, but why do we get more sales when we use lead generation marketing, with a systematic
marketing funnel as well?

We’re able to do what I like to call, lead nurturing and maturing. Frankly, most of your prospects simply aren’t ready to buy at this very moment. However, they will be ready to buy down the line. Each prospects timeline for
a purchase is different, so we’re able to give them the time they need to move from a “Luke-warm” buyer to “Ready to buy!”

You’re also able to provide education, and prove to your prospects that you’re a ‘Guru’ in your industry (Hey, a lot like this twice-weekly tip!).

Further, they get to know you as a person. They get to know you, trust you and learn about you. If you read my monthly print newsletter I send out, you already know a ton about me.

Finally, you’re able to position yourself, and answer the, ”Why should I choose you” question that always burns in the back of your prospects mind. You can position your pricing and justify it, and position your ‘rules of engagement’ on how your business is run.

That puts a bow on this topic. We’ll start a new one on Friday. Until then, keep on marketing!

Friday, August 14, 2009

What’s in Your Funnel

We’ve been discussing lead generation the past two weeks, and earlier this week I introduced you to the idea of a marketing funnel and using it when you use lead generation marketing. To see that post just scroll down to the posts below.

Today we’re going to talk about what is included in your funnel and why it’s important to use a funnel, especially when using lead generation marketing.

So you’ve used lead generation marketing to get your ideal prospect to raise their hand, and identify themselves as someone who is interested in what you sell. That’s a GREAT first step, but now what?!?

Your marketing funnel is a systematic approach to everything your prospects sees, hears and receives from you after they’ve raised their hand. The keyword is SYSTEMATIC. It’s even better if its semi or fully automatic.

Here’s a simply funnel that you could easily use when someone response to your lead generation ad:

Day 1: Send your free guide you advertised
Day 2: Send email confirmation that you mailed the Guide.
Day 5: Phone call to see they received the guide
Day 7: Follow up email to be sure they received the guide.
Day 10: Sales letter to sell your product/service
Day 20: Postcard to sell your product/Service

So you’re starting to get the idea. There’s also things that should be continually doing each month, like newsletters, new offers/opportunities, promotions tied to holidays or current events. The list could go on and on.

We’ll wrap up our talk about lead generation and your marketing funnel next week. I’ll see you then.


The best system I’ve ever seen for systematically and automatically implementing your marketing funnel is Infusionsoft.

Infusionsoft’s automatic follow-up software combines email marketing, CRM & eCommerce into one, simple system, so you can effortlessly stay in touch with prospects & customers and close more sales. With Infusionsoft, you’ll always be growing your business...even when you’re out of the office, at the beach, or asleep!

I use it myself for a lot of the 3D Mail marketing you get from me, as well as my coaching/consulting business. They even have glowing endorsements from Michael Gerber of the E-Myth and Dan Kennedy!

To see a demo video, and get a free trial visit this site. They have great lead generation devices and a great marketing funnel. So even if you’re set with your CRM, email etc. you should still take a look and get on their list. If you study it closely you’ll get a PhD level education in the topics we’ve just been discussing.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lead Generation With Your Marketing Funnel

Last week I left you off with the virtues of lead generation marketing. To review, see my blog post here. Now we’re going to move on to using lead generation in your marketing funnel. There are tons great reasons to use lead generation marketing. We’ll cover a couple here.

As we discussed before, with almost all marketing, you’re severely limited with the amount of information you can send or use in a cost effective manner. How much can you possibly say in a 30 second TV or radio spot, a yellow pages ad (even in a full page ad), a billboard, or a postcard?

With lead generation marketing, you’re able to move your client or prospect to another media in which you have more cost effective means to tell your story. You can move them from offline to online, and vice versa, move them to an audio CD, DVD, print and just about any other type of media.

One very popular technique I’m seeing a lot is to send an inexpensive postcard, and lead them to a personalized website, or PURL, which has, theoretically speaking, unlimited space.

You also have the ability to spend more money per prospect. Let’s take our PURL example from above. You send your client to a unique webpage that is only
for them, and you’re able to track it. You know this person is at least slightly interested in whateverit is you’re offering.

Now, you’ve ‘shrunk your universe’ to only include those people who visited their unique webpage. They obviously have an interest in what you’re selling,
and you can spend more per qualified lead, and actually end up spending less overall in the campaign. This would be a great time to send them clutter busting 3D Mail!

However, you must know your total lifetime value of both a prospect and a client. That’s a discussion for another day we’ll get to down the road.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Virtues of Lead Generation Marketing

We’ve switched gears here a bit, after earlier this weekdiscussing what business you’re really in. Now, on to lead generation marketing and what you need to do for it to be effective in your business.

Lead generation marketing is the ultimate ‘pull’ marketing strategy. It allows people who are interested in your product or service to pull information for themselves about you and your business, rather than the usually ‘push’ marketing that you usually see. Almost all “Madison Avenue” marketing is push marketing.

What you need for prospects to ‘pull’ information from you is great bait, or a lead generation magnet. This is something that you’re prospects request from you. They come in many forms, but the most typical is free information about your niche. They can include:
  • White Papers
  • Free Reports, such as:
  • “The 7 Questions You Must Ask…”
  • “9 Secrets They Don’t Want You
  • to Know About…”
  • Free Recorded Messages
  • And other types of gifts appropriate for your niche.
The biggest thing to keep in mind is that the more desirable your ‘bait” is, the better response you’ll get. The 3D Mail Results webpage is a great example of ”bait,” with our free Guide to Using 3D Mail, Swipe File CD, and tons of free information and videos to get you started.

Next week we’ll talk about the different ways you can use lead generation marketing for maximum effect.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Business You Should Be In

Last week we started a conversation on lead generation marketing vs. one-step sell marketing. For a review of where we’ve been, see my last couple blog entries here. I also left off saying I’d tell you what business you’re really in.

Answer that question to yourself. What business are you in? If you’re like most, you’ll say something like mortgage broker, dentist, restaurateur, coach, chiropractor etc.

If you answer was something like this, I’d say you’re wrong. (Hang in here with me; I’ll get to the point in just one minute.)

If you’ve been reading my tips, newsletter or have heard me speak you may be saying to yourself, “I’m not falling for that one Travis, I know I’m in the Marketing Business.”

To that I say you’re closer, but still not quite there.

You’re in the list building business.

There is nothing more valuable to your business than a list of names and contact information of your most targeted prospects and clients.

You want to capture names and market to them continuously. As my Marketing mentor Dan Kennedy says,”Till they buy or die.”

So how do you build your list? Through lead generation marketing, of course. You’re essentially getting permission to market and sell to your ideal prospect or client, over and over again. How great is that!

In case it isn’t obvious yet, I’m a big fan of lead generation marketing. In fact, since you’re on my email list, you’ve been privy to lead generation marketing already! So over the next couple weeks we’ll talk specifically about lead generation marketing (i.e. List Building) and how you can benefit and profit from it. See you later in the week.

Monday, August 3, 2009

One Step Selling

On Tuesday we started our conversation on one-step selling vs. lead generation marketing. To review where we left off you can see my blog entry below. Today, we’ll talk a bit more about one-step selling.

Most advertising and marketing you see on a daily basis is what we call one-step marketing. In fact, most of the “institutional” and “Madison Avenue” marketing you see is one-step. Its only job is to get a sale right then and there.

There are certainly some drawbacks to this. First, you’ve got to be there at the exact right moment, when your prospect is hot and bothered about what it is that you sell. It needs to be perfect timing. Research has shown that only about 20% of the people who are even interested in your business, are ready to “Buy Now!”

Further, your time or length of your message is severely limited by most one-step sale strategies. How much can you possibly say in a 30 second TV or radio spot, a yellow pages ad (even in a full page ad), a billboard, a simple postcard? Can you really sell your product in that limited amount of space? If so, you’re probably in a highly commoditized business. To that I say “GET OUT, AND GET OUT QUICKLY!”

Next week we’ll talk about business you’re really in. I know some of you may think you know the answer to this, but my answer may surprise you. Until then keep on marketing!