Saturday, August 22, 2009

Your Unique Selling Propsition

We’re going to start down a new road today. We’re going to be starting on the topic of a USP, your unique selling proposition. This may be opening up a BIG can or worms, and it can be one of the hardest things you do with your business. But it’s well worth read.

A USP is made up of all the things that your have say and offer. But a true USP is the thing or things that differentiate, that you do differently. That are different by personality, price, offer guarantee, whatever, so you stand out in a positive way.

Why should you develop a USP? There are many reasons. Just a few of them include.
  • It will give you an incredible marketing advantage over your competitors.
  • Those that create a USP experience huge growth over a relatively short period of time.
  • Without one you are extremely vulnerable to competition.
  • It will create clarity in your business and in your mindset. It’s what you are about and what you want people to think about you.
Here’s the biggie lesson of the day. Only you can create your USP. You can’t hire a consultant to do it, or a coach, only you. And I’m not going to lie, it’s not an easy thing to do and it requires a lot of thought and work. But over the next few marketing tips, we’ll get you well on your way if you don’t yet have one. If you do, this will hopefully bring some further insight if you wish to revamp your current USP. I’ll see you next week.

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