Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why You Should Use a Marketing Funnel

Over the past several weeks, we’ve been talking about lead generation marketing, how to use it, and how to integrate it into your marketing funnel. To see where we’ve been, see my blog posts from the past couple weeks below. Today we’re going to wrap up our discussion on these two topics. Today we’re going to answer that burning question, ”Why should I use a marketing funnel.” Here’s my $0.02.

First and foremost, you just get more sales when you use a marketing funnel! That should be reason enough, shouldn’t it! There’s the short answer, but why do we get more sales when we use lead generation marketing, with a systematic
marketing funnel as well?

We’re able to do what I like to call, lead nurturing and maturing. Frankly, most of your prospects simply aren’t ready to buy at this very moment. However, they will be ready to buy down the line. Each prospects timeline for
a purchase is different, so we’re able to give them the time they need to move from a “Luke-warm” buyer to “Ready to buy!”

You’re also able to provide education, and prove to your prospects that you’re a ‘Guru’ in your industry (Hey, a lot like this twice-weekly tip!).

Further, they get to know you as a person. They get to know you, trust you and learn about you. If you read my monthly print newsletter I send out, you already know a ton about me.

Finally, you’re able to position yourself, and answer the, ”Why should I choose you” question that always burns in the back of your prospects mind. You can position your pricing and justify it, and position your ‘rules of engagement’ on how your business is run.

That puts a bow on this topic. We’ll start a new one on Friday. Until then, keep on marketing!

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