Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lead Generation With Your Marketing Funnel

Last week I left you off with the virtues of lead generation marketing. To review, see my blog post here. Now we’re going to move on to using lead generation in your marketing funnel. There are tons great reasons to use lead generation marketing. We’ll cover a couple here.

As we discussed before, with almost all marketing, you’re severely limited with the amount of information you can send or use in a cost effective manner. How much can you possibly say in a 30 second TV or radio spot, a yellow pages ad (even in a full page ad), a billboard, or a postcard?

With lead generation marketing, you’re able to move your client or prospect to another media in which you have more cost effective means to tell your story. You can move them from offline to online, and vice versa, move them to an audio CD, DVD, print and just about any other type of media.

One very popular technique I’m seeing a lot is to send an inexpensive postcard, and lead them to a personalized website, or PURL, which has, theoretically speaking, unlimited space.

You also have the ability to spend more money per prospect. Let’s take our PURL example from above. You send your client to a unique webpage that is only
for them, and you’re able to track it. You know this person is at least slightly interested in whateverit is you’re offering.

Now, you’ve ‘shrunk your universe’ to only include those people who visited their unique webpage. They obviously have an interest in what you’re selling,
and you can spend more per qualified lead, and actually end up spending less overall in the campaign. This would be a great time to send them clutter busting 3D Mail!

However, you must know your total lifetime value of both a prospect and a client. That’s a discussion for another day we’ll get to down the road.

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