Friday, August 14, 2009

What’s in Your Funnel

We’ve been discussing lead generation the past two weeks, and earlier this week I introduced you to the idea of a marketing funnel and using it when you use lead generation marketing. To see that post just scroll down to the posts below.

Today we’re going to talk about what is included in your funnel and why it’s important to use a funnel, especially when using lead generation marketing.

So you’ve used lead generation marketing to get your ideal prospect to raise their hand, and identify themselves as someone who is interested in what you sell. That’s a GREAT first step, but now what?!?

Your marketing funnel is a systematic approach to everything your prospects sees, hears and receives from you after they’ve raised their hand. The keyword is SYSTEMATIC. It’s even better if its semi or fully automatic.

Here’s a simply funnel that you could easily use when someone response to your lead generation ad:

Day 1: Send your free guide you advertised
Day 2: Send email confirmation that you mailed the Guide.
Day 5: Phone call to see they received the guide
Day 7: Follow up email to be sure they received the guide.
Day 10: Sales letter to sell your product/service
Day 20: Postcard to sell your product/Service

So you’re starting to get the idea. There’s also things that should be continually doing each month, like newsletters, new offers/opportunities, promotions tied to holidays or current events. The list could go on and on.

We’ll wrap up our talk about lead generation and your marketing funnel next week. I’ll see you then.


The best system I’ve ever seen for systematically and automatically implementing your marketing funnel is Infusionsoft.

Infusionsoft’s automatic follow-up software combines email marketing, CRM & eCommerce into one, simple system, so you can effortlessly stay in touch with prospects & customers and close more sales. With Infusionsoft, you’ll always be growing your business...even when you’re out of the office, at the beach, or asleep!

I use it myself for a lot of the 3D Mail marketing you get from me, as well as my coaching/consulting business. They even have glowing endorsements from Michael Gerber of the E-Myth and Dan Kennedy!

To see a demo video, and get a free trial visit this site. They have great lead generation devices and a great marketing funnel. So even if you’re set with your CRM, email etc. you should still take a look and get on their list. If you study it closely you’ll get a PhD level education in the topics we’ve just been discussing.

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