Thursday, August 28, 2008

2 More ways to use 3D Mail

We left you with 4 ways to use 3D mail last post, here's an additional two ways to use 3D mail.

Reduce Returns

One problem any business runs into is return rates. This is also called buyers remorse. After the initial purchase you can send follow up 3D mailings (often called a ‘stick’ campaign) to reinforce the purchase your client has just made.

But why would you send 3D mail when you can send regular mail? For all the reasons we’ve already outlined. Remember, if a mailing doesn’t get opened, it can’t be read or acted upon. It is every bit as important, if not more so, for your follow up marketing to be open, read and acted upon, as your initial mailing to get the order.

Reactivate Lost Clients
This is where 3D mail can really get fun, and profitable! Lost clients are those clients who made a purchase from you at some point, but have not bought again over a defined period of time. This period of time of course varies by industry. If you’re a car salesman, it may be 2-3 years. A real estate agent, it may be 5-10 years. If you own a restaurant, it may be 30-60 days!

It is often reported that it is anywhere from 10 times to 100 times more costly to get a new client, than it is to sell again to an existing client. I believe that a ‘lost’ client is probably the second easiest client to sell to (behind those clients who are continually buying from you).

A very successful 3D mail 3-step campaign we’ve seen done by our clients includes a Boomerang with a headline “We Want You Back.” A compass with the headline “Are you Lost?” The third step, a small plastic bug is inserted into the envelope with the headline, “This is the last time I’m going to bug you!” A lost client campaign is only limited by your imagination.

Next post we'll cover a doozie. Driving traffic to your physical retail or business location. Stay tuned.

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